Tuesday, 11 February 2014


I use my blog to announce what’s next; pitch ideas & invite collaborations.
Disclaimer: I am not associated with any group or organisation unless specified.

UPDATE 23 October 2014: the links to these tweetyarns have been removed, pending publication of my blog to book, On Dusk which will be available for purchase from Amazon December 2014.

In the meantime - please feel free to download a FREE anthology of Indigenous Australian writing, which includes one of my tweetyarns 'Maisie May' (mentioned below) and a short story that does not appear anywhere else...'Epilogue to Maisie May' here

UPDATE 25 July: Six new tweetyarns - links [are no longer] here

I’m an emerging writer/screenwriter. I use social media to promote my writing & my ideas.

I wanted to see what was possible using new technologies so I created ' #tweetyarns '.
I am Aboriginal. ‘Yarn’ has special significance to Indigenous Australians. I started telling stories on Twitter - short and punchy at first - then longer, and more elaborate as I built an audience.

Maisie May "   

Extracted from 'Maisie May'. Visit my Twitter time line for more & and find it storified here. 
Some of my early attempts at creating #tweetyarns…. [updated 15/02/14]
Nigel, Love & Bucci – A dog’s tale.
Adopt a Cat – A Christmas roadtrip: 7742 kms with two cats & a boy.

Any writing will make you a better writer and the more I tweeted, the more opportunities came along…
Don’t miss this – some wonderful yarning about community engagement
The tradition of yarning in sharing Indigenous knowledge is also being used in research and clinical contexts – but the notion of Twitter-based yarning is something new.
Siv Parker, an award-winning Aboriginal writer with longstanding experience in the health sector, has been at the forefront of developing tweet-yarns, as was in evidence last week while she was guest tweeting for @WePublicHealth
[From Croakey, the Crikey health blog curated by @Croakeyblog ]
Many thanks to Melissa Sweet for her support.

I am honoured and thrilled to be recognised in this way ... 

The Indigenous cultures of Australia are the oldest living cultural history
in the world – they go back at least 50,000 years
and some argue closer to 65,000 years.

One of the reasons Aboriginal cultures have survived for so long
is their ability to adapt and change over time.
It was this affinity with their surroundings
that goes a long way to explaining how

And many thanks to Leesa Watego & her brilliant project: @deadlybloggers for giving me a place to start & continued support!


Deleted notes

I recently submitted to be part of 
just got the news that I'm a
#TwitterFiction Festival#TwitterFiction Festival is an all-day, all-night celebration of storytelling on Twitter. From March 12-16, we’re bringing fiction to life with Twitter. 

Hashtag : #twitterfiction  


  1. Okay.... So I'm really interested in TweetYarns being used a methodology. This is wonderful and groundbreaking. Definitely following this idea up. Can't wait til the morning to log into the Digital Writers Festival. Thanks Siv, for your ongoing acknowledgement. Means so much.

    1. I'd describe 'tweetyarns' as the culmination of my entire first year on social media, ie how to promote myself as a writer - and how to use new technologies for Indigenous storytelling - using the most effective platform.
      Blogging gave me the means of pitching my writing, and I could see that Twitter was the best way to engage people, so I combined the two.
      I love the challenge of ad libbing because any writing will improve ones writing, but for me what makes the story telling resonate the most if it's responsive to what's going on around the camp fire at the time. I was always going to tell the yarn of Maisie May on 26 January 2014. I'd planned that for months, and it happened to coincide with e-pub of a black&write! anthology, so I had a project already underway at the right place at the right time for black&write!

      I'll continue to tell yarns, and still/always developing where I go to next with them. That's the exciting part - revising and adapting how I tell stories, because as you know SM patterns change rapidly and constantly.
      But after this effort with Maisie May, I'm going to concentrate on some writing for a while. I have some projects to finish, ie a script and some other more conventional writing.
      But tweet yarns have been great for a number of reasons- and they're fun, and I love the spontaneity of just telling a yarn because it suits the occasion.
      For a long time, you were the only one supporting my humble blog, and slow entree into tweeting a year ago, and a year later you're still doing that, so you're one in a million Leesa! I've pulled my tweets together with a narrative around my first year in social media, and being part of the emerging Indigenous presence on social media into a manuscript, so you'll be able to read (soon I hope, but that's beyond my control) exactly how I developed my 'brand' - I think you'll be surprised just how precarious my social media experiment was, when in the beginning there was months of little acknowledgment besides from you via your project (@deadlybloggers) that I was alive. I wont forget that. :D
